
Title of the project: Water Resources Management and Development on the Mekong River Linking with Catchment of the Tonle Sap Great Lake
Priority Area / Sector: Environment
Project Implementation Agency: Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
Status: Completed
Project Site:
Objective(s): To manage water resources in the Mekong – Tonle Sap region in a sustainable and integrated manner by applying legal tools developed by the MRC and appropriate planning
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Assessment report on status of knowledge data and information of the Mekong – Tonle Sap Great Lake and flood plains water
  2. Report on the Assessment of the Mekong, Tonle Sap Great Lake, Mekong Flood Plain Ecosystem, upstream and local development impacts on fisheries, agriculture and wetland ecosystem as a whole
  3. Assessment of hydraulic feasibility for Early Flood Diversion from the Mekong to the Tonle Sap great Lake
  4. Proposed Diversion Hydraulic and Structural Design
  5. Preliminary socio-economic analysis in the Areas covering the diversion structures and pilot areas for early flood protection studies
  6. Proposed strategic direction for the flood plain development and management
Regionality: Cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. Thach Sovanna
Email: [email protected]


Title of the project:Make Legal Arrangements, Laws, Legislations, and Regulations, in Force in the Industry and Commerce Area More Electronically Available and Accessible to Public and Poor Districts in Lao PDR
Priority Area / Sector:Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Project Implementation Agency:Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Objective(s):To increase availability of information on laws and regulations in the area of commerce and industry by developing the database; and accessibility to legal data for the poor district officers.
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Developed database and webpage,
  2. Uploaded and accessible regulatory information including Law, Decree, Order, Decision, Instruction, Notice, etc.
  3. Almost six million visitors access the website as of May 2023.
  4. Introduced the website to the key relevant agancies in Lao PDR.
  5. Trained district government officials to upload and update the database
Beneficiary:Lao PDR
Contact Person:Ms. Ninthida Viengkeo 
Email: [email protected]


Title of the project: Capacity Building Project on Development of Statistics
Priority Area / Sector: Human Resources Development
Project Implementation Agency: Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Ministry of Planning and Finance
Status: Completed
  1. Objective(s):
  1. To promote the credibility of statistics and to support National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) related organizations more effectively,
  2. To improve statistical capacity and knowledge in the national statistical system
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Trained officials related with economic concept, leadership and management skill as well as the basic concepts of official statistics, statistical leadership.
  2. Fresher Training for newly appointed Deputy Statisticians on statistical concepts, survey methodology and data entry.
  3. Completed awareness-raising on statistics law to promote the legal framework in statistical production, utilization and dissemination, and general knowledge on importance of data accuracy of good legal framework.
  4. Trained officials on concepts of probability, random variables and continuous probability disribution
  5. Exchange program with to study the successful operation of statistical system and statistical plan, cooperation and coordination between head office and provincial offices, linkage among ministries, and ways of survey collection, systematic statistical system for accuracy and quality of statistics and to exchange the knowledge and experience between CSO and National Statistical Office of Thailand (TNSO)
  6. Established SDG Indicator Development and Reporting System
  7. Completed workshops on SDG Awareness Raising and Monitoring and Evaluation for SDG Implementation in five States and Region
Beneficiary: Myanmar
Contact Person: Dr. Nyi Nyi Maung Email: [email protected]


Title of the project:Building Up a Tripartite Model among Academies – Industries – Government for Skills Development and Acceleration of the Industrialization in Viet Nam
Priority Area / Sector:Human Resource Development
Project Implementation Agency:Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)
Project Site:
Objective(s):To build up an effective model of social partnership among training – enterprise – government sectors for skills development and acceleration of industrialization in Viet Nam
Key Achievements:
  1. Disseminated the project results to thirty-five (35) Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) schools
  2. Revised the old model of training program and piloted the new AIG training model at Industry College, Food Industry College and Red Star University under the MInistry
  3. Additional topics of training deliveries i.e. change the concept from job hunting for final year students to the career orientation for the new students, adding course materials on soft skills and enterprise start-up, and involving engineering experts and company manager to deliver training session.
Regionality:Viet Nam
Contact Person:Dr. Dinh Van, Chau
Email: [email protected]


Title of the project:Comprehensive Training to Increase Efficiency of Rice Production in the Mekong Sub-region
Priority Area / Sector:Agriculture and Rural Development
Project Implementation Agency:
  • Thailand Rice Department (RD), Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
  • National Food Institute (NFI), Ministry of Industry
  • The Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), Ministry of Science and Technology
  • To develop a cooperation network on efficiency rice production, rice production planning between the Mekong countries and the ROK
  • To enhance knowledge, information and experience on green productivity in rice mill factory technology
  • To build capacity in rice crop monitoring assessment and preparedness planning in Southeast Asia
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  • Trained personnel with better knowledge and wider experiences on increasing rice yields through efficiency production method.
  • Trained personnel with better knowledge and wider experiences on green productivity in rice mill factory technology.
  • Trained personnel with better knowledge and wider experiences on rice crop monitoring using Satellite Remote sensing.
  • Creation of rice cooperation between Mekong members and Korea to serve food security in the region.
Regionality:Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand
Contact Person:Ms. Supaporn Ritthisak
Email: [email protected]


Title of the project:Strengthening of Border Liaison Office(BLO) around the Mekong River
Priority Area / Sector:Human Resources Development
Project Implementation Agency:Supreme Prosecutors’ Office (SPO), Republic of Korea (ROK)
Project Site:
Objective(s):To assist and train Border Liaison Office (BLO) staffs for the purpose of suppressing transnational crimes committed in and around the Mekong region
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Capacity development support to the Northern region in Tha Chilek (Myanmar), Chiang (Thailand), and Ton Phueng (Lao PDR), Central region in Nongkhai (Thailand), Vientiane (Lao PDR), and Southern region, Bavet (Cambodia), Moc bai (Viet Nam) through training program on advanced border control techniques for BLO officials in cooperation with UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific
  2. Conducted international training in ROK and study visits to Korea Law Enforcement agencies such as Korea Custom Services, Korea Coast Gurard
  3. Facilitated equipment such as speed boats, Motorcycles, Binoculars, Two-way radios, Search lights to support the BLO operations
  4. Strengthened the BLO capacity through on the job training
Beneficiary:Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Thailand
Contact Person:Mr. Kim
Email: [email protected]


Title of the project: Certified Logistics Masters (Phase 3: Training of Trainers)
Priority Area / Sector: Human Resources Development
Project Implementation Agency: Mekong Institute
Status: Completed
Objective(s): To improve cross-border and transshipment logistics services through capacity development and accreditation of local Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) in the GMS economic corridors;
To decrease cross border logistics cost, improve quality and timely services of local logistics service providers, and integrate local logistics providers into the sub-regional, regional and global logistics chains.
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Completed Training of Trainer (ToT). The objective of the ToT is to promote a pool of professional trainers who are capable localizing and delivering the training in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Thailand (CLMVT), in specific areas of logistics and transportation sector in line with the countries and industries’ needs and priorities.
  2. Action Plan Implementation through the National workshops in CLMVT. These workshops aimed to reach out to the indirect beneficiaries and stakeholders in the transport and logistics industries, such as local Logistics Service Provider (LSP), Logistics/Freight Associations members and people working in the Logistics sector. This allows the sharing of knowledge to a wider audience
  3. Completed End of project evaluation. The evaluation is intended to evaluate the Certified Logistics Master (CLM) project implemented from 2015 to 2017. There are four (04) outputs has been evaluated and the results are:
  • Setting GMS Logistical Service Standard. The standards on core logistics services (Cargo/Freight handling, Transportation, clearing cross border formalities and Ro-Ro practices) are established and agreed by the GMS Freight and Transport Association (FRETA) members
  • Curriculum Development. Modular training curriculum and core training modules and core trainers are in place
  • Modular Training and Certification. Modular training programs are provided to benefit 90 local logistics providers
  • Localization of Core Training Package. Core training modules are localized in Khmer, Laotian, Burmese, Vietnamese and Thai languages
Beneficiary: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam
Contact Person: Mr. Sa-nga Sattanun
Email: [email protected]
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