GMS Knowledge Network
About the Greater Mekong Subregion Knowledge Network (GMSKN)
The objective of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Knowledge Network (GMSKN) is to provide expertise, stimulate discussion, and raise awareness on relevant and emerging issues in the GMS. In its first phase of activity, the Knowledge Network also aims to focus on developing and disseminating knowledge that will support -coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic recovery efforts across the subregion. In the long term, the Knowledge Network will help facilitate the process of regional cooperation and integration toward achieving the GMS member countries’ shared vision of an integrated, prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive GMS. These objectives are guided by the GMS Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS- 2030) and the GMS COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan.
Specifically, the Knowledge Network aims to:
• Serve as a mechanism to coordinate research findings and
policy recommendations;
• Develop, synthesize, and coordinate policy advice on key
issues leading to greater regional cooperation and supporting economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic;
• Guide on best practice regulatory frameworks on cross-border issues to facilitate all aspects of regional integration;
• Enhance systematic knowledge-sharing among academic and research institutions and think tanks, especially on development experiences and policy lessons;
• Raise the region’s voice in the international arena on issues
related to integrated, equitable, and sustainable regional growth;
• Strengthen the network members’ capacity to generate
knowledge such that members can learn from one another
and work together across countries; and
• Translate the knowledge produced into concrete government policies or new information for opportunities for the private sector.
The GMSKN will play an increasingly important role in undertaking and coordinating research, and developing policy briefs at the local, national, and regional levels in the GMS. It will facilitate interaction among academics, researchers, and policy makers. Research studies and workshops carried out by the network will recommend policies and plans of joint action to enhance cooperation among the GMS member countries.
The studies and workshops may also identify priority areas and projects for which technical and financial assistance could be provided by development partners and further facilitate the coordination of development partners in the region.
The GMSKN is envisioned to facilitate building of knowledge and capacity in specific development topics related to stimulating economic growth and fostering regional cooperation in the GMS. Such development topics shall be within the scope and aligned with the objectives of the GMS Program and emerging issues of GMS-2030. It will help to enhance the understanding and awareness of policy makers and the public regarding important regional sector and thematic issues. The GMSKN will foster knowledge communities throughout the region and provide learning opportunities on key and priority development topics. It will support GMS members in their development efforts and enhance development partners’ ability to respond to their needs in a more effective and timely manner. The GMSKN complies with multilateral principles of political non-interference, as practiced under the framework of ADB.