Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mekong Institute (MI) will conduct the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Certified Logistics Master from May 1 (Monday), 2017 to 5 (Friday), 2017 at Mekong Institute (MI), Khon Kaen, Thailand. This is the 3rd phase of the Certified Logistics Master Project funded by Mekong-ROK Cooperation Fund (MKCF). 

The overall objective of the ToT is to promote a pool of professional trainers who are capable of localizing and delivering the training in their own countries, namely Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam, and Thailand (CLMVT) in specific areas of logistics and transportation sector. 

The specific objectives of the ToT are to: 

Enhance capacity of the logistics service providers, professionals, practitioners, and policy makers involved in logistics and transport in CLMTV;
Replicate the ToT on Certified Logistics Master to greater outreaches and networks in CLMTV; and
Contribute to the national and sub-regional logistics development through improvement in logistics services quality, reduction in cross-border logistics costs, and logistics market expansion and integration into regional and global supply chains.
In total, 20 participants who have successfully completed the modular training on Certified Logistics Master during the phase I and II are selected for the advanced ToT. 

Should you require any further clarification, please kindly contact Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Duttta (Director, Trade and Investment Facilitation Department) at [email protected] with a copy to Ms. Mi-jung IM (Program Officer, Trade and Investment Facilitation Department) at [email protected].

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