The training course was very useful to us because we are the focal point dealing with SME development and microfinance. Basically, Ministry of Finance is focusing on regulating of microfinance and SME sector. Therefore this training course was very inspiring and useful. I think it would be more useful to expand our services for the country for the development of finance and SME sector.
This training course has exactly met my expectation. I learnt how the new technology can be introduced to the microfinance sector and how we can adopt some mobile banking and other high technologies and ICT knowledge into the microfinance and SMEs sector. That is very important for us and to our country.
The thing I like the most in this training, mainly as a microfinance organization, is we are focusing on the agriculture as it is the backbone of Sri Lanka’s economy. Mostly, we are focusing on agriculture loans, in addition, we help in developing clothing industry sector and normally the government sector. Most of the SMEs are very fast developing in Sri Lanka. You can enhance the capacity building and the financial assets in compare with other Asian regions. Sri Lanka has 80% of financial institutions.