Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mr. Sa-nga Sattanun, Program Manager of Trade and Investment Facilitation Department of Mekong Institute (MI), joined a panel discussion on “Enhancing Business Development for SMEs (Strong / Regular Level) organized by the Rajamangla University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand”. The event was held on September 22, 2017 at Rachawadee Resort & Hotel, Khon Kaen as part of the projects of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP). The discussions focused on four aspects of transportation to enhance SME business development namely: i. Utilization of technology, digital capacity, and innovation, ii. Increased productivity and improved cost reduction, iii. Standardization and enhancement of transportation services, and iv. Increased market opportunities for transportation. 

Delivering a presentation at the panel discussion, Mr. Sa-nga stressed the importance of business expansion and networking opportunities for economic growth and expansion within Thailand and the region. In addition, the business databases developed by the Mekong Institute and the Khon Kaen Business Forum were introduced namely; 

i. Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Logistics Database, accessible at www.logisticsgms.com

ii. GMS Economic Corridors Databases, accessible at www.nsecbiz.com, www.ewecbiz.com and www.sec4business.com

iii. Khon Kaen Business Forum, September 26, 2017. Information on this Business Forum is available at http://khonkaenbizforum.weebly.com/

Over 300 SMEs attended the event on “Enhancing Business Development for SMEs (Strong / Regular Level)”. Following the discussion, thirty (30) SME businesses registered for participation in the Khon Kaen Business Forum on September 26, 2017, which is organized by the MI in Khon Kaen. Furthermore, one (1) business confirmed attendance for the Regional Training cum Business Networking on Sustainable Transport and Logistics Planning and Management on September 25 – October 6, 2017 at the Mekong Institute.

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