Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mekong Institute (MI), in collaboration with Trade Policy and Strategy Office, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, is organizing a two – week regional training cum business networking on “Sustainable Transport and Logistics Planning and Management” on September 25- October 6, 2017 at its residential training center, Khon Kaen and Thailand. The training aims to enhance knowledge and skills on logistics operations & services, planning and management for greater efficiency and effectiveness of the transport and logistics sector and to provide opportunities for business development among the GMS program participants. 

The program is structured into three parts: 

  • Part I comprises of training module delivery for strategies formulation for sustainability of the sector focusing on the importance of transport and logistics management, Carriage of Dangerous Goods, ASEAN and GMS Transport Regulations and Agreement, E-Logistics in Supply Chain Management and GMS Transport Information Connection (GTIC) System, Green Logistics and the Role of Government in Promoting the Green Logistics. 
  • Part II of the program will be the Structured Learning Visits (SLVs). The participants will have the opportunity to observe and gain experiences and knowledge through visiting transport and logistics services and facilities in Thailand. 
  • Part III is theBusiness Networking. It will be organized among i. among the program participants and ii. the prospective transport and logistics businesses in Thailand. 
  • The program is designed for Government officials and logistics operators from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand (CLMVT). Full scholarships will be provided to ten (10) participants each from the CLMVT, out of which seven (7) seats are reserved for private sector and three (3) for government departments. The scholarship covers all training expenses, including accommodation, breakfast and lunch, course kits, training materials and other activities designed under the training program. 

Full information about the program, application form and selection criteria are available at :
Download the Curriculum Design Statement
Download the Application Form

Deadline for Submission: August 18, 2017.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further details.

For more details, contact:

Kindly send your submissions to:
[email protected],
[email protected] with copy to [email protected]

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