Written by Mekong Institute

The Mekong Institute (MI) organized a Working Session with the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) National Coordinating Agencies (CAs) on 4-5 March 2008 at MI’s residential training center n Khon kaen, Thailand.

The Sessions’s objective was to improve coordination and cooperation among the Institute and the CAs for the delivery of MI’s Human Resource Development (HRD) programs and to disuss the mplementation arrangements and marketing strategy for MI activities.  

MI had expectations of a greater role for the CAs, including connecting MI wth national agencies, acting as a focal point for MI activities and mobilizing resources from national governments and donors.

The CAs also had expectations, including to clarify their role and responsibilities and to initiate a CA’s network. The CAs raised a number of issues they believed needed addressing, including ensuring adequate communications with MI, establishing clear Terms of Reference and receiving timely MI course information.

The CA’s National Work Plans were discussed. These documents will provide a structure for active participation by the CAs in MI’s work and programs. They will comprise a mutually agreed course preparation process, candidate selection process, participant information pack and timetable for course announcements and evaluation. MI expects te CAs to devise their National Work Plans in line with the MI program process.

The CA’s national Work Plans were discussed. These documents will provide a structure for active participation by the CAs in MI’s work and programs. They will comprise a mutually agreed course preparation process, candate selecton process, participant information pack and timetables for course announcements and evaluation. MI expects the CAs to devise their National Work Plans in line with the Mi program process.

There were a number of outcomes from the Session. All staff agreed to establish closer relationaships through improved coordination mechanisms. MI agreed that for the CAs to takea more active rold in its work, it would ned to provide timey and frequent informaton. The CAs agreed to help mobilize resources to support MI’s continued sustainablility.

The CAs decided to meet annually, with the event rotated among the GMS countires, to further cooperation and coordnation.

On the subject of provincial participation, the CAs agreed to focus on providing more opportunities to rural people by extending courses and MI agreed to focus on the practical, rather than policy, level and participant experience.

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