Sustainable Energy and Environment

Efforts to accelerate energy transition for climate protection and energy security will be showcased at a webinar on “Powering Energy Transitions in the GMS” on March 23, 2021.  

Hosted by Mekong Institute (MI) in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, five senior officials and experts will present perspectives and opportunities for government, the private sector, business community, and civil society to support the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) energy sector in the coming years.

“We can achieve global energy transition by working together to create a secure, sustainable, and affordable energy supply,” Dr. Alexander Raubold, Counsellor of Economic and Commercial Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Thailand, said, before underscoring that “sharing best practices and lessons learned are essential in combating climate change.”

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and GIZ are currently hosting the exhibition “Moving and Powering the Future,” which displays climate change challenges, showcases best practices and innovative green technologies, as well as illustrates a vision of a smarter and more just and resilient world.

The interactive exhibition is travelling around the world with stops in Bangkok from March 12 to 18 and Khon Kaen from March 23 to 27. Best practices and climate-friendly concepts showcased at the exhibition will also be discussed at the webinar.

Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, former Energy Minister of Thailand, explained that the webinar is an opportunity to present the progress of the GMS in developing renewable energy resources to lessen the subregion’s dependence on oil and gas. He further explained that GMS countries have been integrating energy planning into their national agenda to chart low carbon development and clean energy trade to secure an environmentally sustainable future for their people.

This was supported by Mr. Simon Rolland, Energy Program Director of GIZ Thailand, who will discuss how renewable energy and energy efficiency are the foundation of energy transition.

In addition, MI Executive Director Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn emphasized that sustained global dialogue involving a broader range of public-private actors are crucial to help more GMS nationals better support and adjust to new energy realities. “The discussions will highlight best clean energy practices that we can adapt to the GMS context to speed up joint efforts in cementing sustainable power grid interconnection,” he said.

Since 2015, MI has been promoting power connectivity by linking GMS energy officials with global experts to help Cambodia, P.R. China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam achieve technological readiness in meeting global renewable energy benchmarks.

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and GIZ Thailand, MI’s newly-launched Sustainable Energy and Environment Department will be facilitating the discussion. The event will feature Dr. Narongchai; Dr. Raubold; Mr. Rolland; Mr. Suriyan; Ms. Preeyanart Soontornwata, Chairman, Association of Private Power Producers; and Dr. Nitus Voraphonpiput, Director of Generation and Transmission System Planning Division, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.

Aligned with COVID-19 guidelines, the officials will convene at the MI Headquarters in Khon Kaen, Thailand. The discussion will be livestreamed via Zoom and Facebook channels at https://cutt.ly/3z2Fasm and /mekonginstitute.org from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. For more information, please visit https://cutt.ly/hz5xQgF and www.facebook.com/mekonginstitute.org.

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