Written by Mekong Institute

Overview of Course modules:

Module1: Setting the COntext and Exploring Group Limits

This module is essential for enabling free and open participaton at the start of the training program. This session helps trainers to prepare the groundwork,break the ice and give the overview of the training workshop, the topics and training methods to be used. This module has 5 sessons: getting to know each other, setting the context (contents and methodology), exploring expectations, developing group norms, introducing participatory training course monitoring evaluaton and benchmark facilitaton. The benchmark facilitation skill of each participant was recorded on video during the introductions so that later the participants can review their own performance and assess their pre-workship facilitation and presentation skills.

Module2: Participatory Approach in Training Program management

The concept of partcipaton in training course management is introduced in this module through learning games and guided planary discussons. Buzz groups wre formed for partcipants to brainstorm the “What Why Who How When of the concpet of partcipation in training program management. Each small group presentaed theri outputs throught “mini -guided tour”. Participatory training is designed to be learner-centered rather than trainer-centered. At the end of the module participants were able to differentate traditional training methods from particpatory training methods.

Module3: Modular Training Cycle and Integrated Curriculum

This module illustrates the modular training approach (Learn to do, do to learn, and share to learn) and concepts of learning and integrated curriculum. Through guided plenary discussion using meta cards the Laws of Learning were discussed, namely law of readiness, exercise, effect and intensity.

Module4: Introduction to Planning a Training Course

Participantsare guided on planning participarotry training course programs. To introduce the concept of a training cycletwo cases for developing and planning a training coursewere anayzed by participants.For each case,the participants formed three sub-groups each to deliberate on planning the pre-training, during training and post training actvites that constitute the training cycle. Outputs per subgroup were presented in plenary. An example of how MI plans and prepares its training couses was presented. Participants learnnew concepts, methods and tools and go through real practical experience in applyng these principles and methods in MI training sessons. Participaroy learning goes along with te iterative implementation of the training cycle. Participants learn new concepts, methods and tools and go through real practical experience in applying these principles and methods in MI training sessions. Participatory learning goes along with the iterative implementation of the training cycle. Participants are given n active role in the design, redesign and decision-making in all stages of te training cycle.

Module5: Roles of a Facilitator and Required Competencies

This module focuses focuses on facilitation fundamentals and the amin roles of a facilitator: content neutral, process-guide and integrator of results. Guide questions about the likes, fears and meta cards and elaborated in a guided plenary discussion. This module included an analysis of personality types and a self-assessment of apotential facilitator. As a synthesis, the required core competencies of a facilitator which includes technical, methodological, socal and personal competence was presented in plenary.

Module 6: Facilitation methods and Tools

Ths module demonstrates the use of different interactive facilitation methods and supporting tools in delivering MI learning packages. The participants go through learning experience designing different kinds of intervention, using creative process, and utilizing appropriate floor exercise, the participants reviewed and listed the faclitation methods and tools which have been used so far during this training course. They also listed the facilitation methods and additional facilitation methods and tools they were interested to learn about. Exchange experiences and knowledge about each method and tool was encouraged among participants. The methods and tools were compared and differentiated by the participants.

Module7: Practicing Facilitation Skills

This module gives practical tips on the art of facilitation and making oral presentation. Participants’ facilitaton skills were challenged through analysis of case scenarios. Each participant provided comments on how he or she would improve his/her presentation and facilitation skills in the future and through the remaining time of he training.

Module8: Strengthening Team Work

Participatory training courses are best implemented through a team of facilitators. The learning game, “elephant ride challenged the participants’ creativity and team dynamics in order to overcome the task given to them. One participants contributed the idea of “rewarding” as an additional stage of team building. Further reflectons on strengthening team work were encouraged through photo anaysis and group discussion.

Moudule 9: Field Work Facilitation

This module focuses on practiciing how to plan and conduct a fieldwork and share their experiences and knowledge gained from the field work. Participants went through the process of planning before a field work vsit by identifying the objectives and expected outputs from the field work. They dreafed a list of guide questons to ask as well as the facilitaion methods they will use during the feld work. THe sites vsited matched the particular interest of the participants. THe Metology group visited the Norteastern arification Center, Bureau ofWeights and Measures while they group of te InWEnt alumni vsitied a village women’s group that produced traditional mats woven from a locally grown plant. This women’s group also produced and packaged herbs used for tradigional medicine and now fashinably used in spas. As a post among partcipants through an informaton market. A guided discussion to synthesize and reflect experiences gained from the feld work served as basis for improving field work facilitation skills.

Module 10: Integrating Skills and Way forward

This module foucses on the integraton of dfferent facilitation skills, knowledge and attitutes gained from the training and how these can be applied to their real work situation when they go back home. Whether as a country group, as organization group or individually, the participants first assessed the important lessons they learned from this training. As a next step, they assessed the training and capacity building needs of their organizaton. An action plan was then dreafted to determine how these needs can be addressed by applying the participatory methods and facilitation skils, planning and implementing skills they learned from te course. The final evaluation of the training was done using visualized training course evaluation. Resultes were jointly analyzed and reflected on by the participants, training facilitators and the organizers.

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