Trade and Investment Facilitation

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (May 2016) – Mekong Institute (MI) has conducted a Training of Trainer (ToT) on Trade Promotion at the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) of Cambodia in Phnom Penh on May 9-12. 2016. The training is part of the ongoing project on Trade Curriculum Development under the multi-donor funded Trade Development Support Program by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNIDO, the European Union and Danish Development Agency (DANIDA). Under this project, MI has developed 16 trade related training curricula and it is tasked to introduce the training curricula through ToTs to build capacities of the core staffs of Trade Training and Research Institute (TTRI) and officials of the MOC. 

The second training of trainers (ToT) on Trade Promotion was attended by a total of 36 officials representing TTRI, MoC and provincial departments of commerce. The ToT focused on four training packages in a condensed format on Market and Product Development, Market Intelligence, Trade Promotion Events and Private Sector Development. 

H.E. Reach Ra, Under Secretary of State of MoC inaugurated the training by welcoming all the participants. He highlighted the importance of capacity building as Cambodia is facing a variety of development opportunities as well as challenges. He mentioned that the MoC has been making consistent efforts to promote trade through various initiatives such as establishment and expansion of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and implantation of the “4 P (Price, Product, Promotion and Place) Strategy” to ensure the market dynamics and trade diversification. 

The ToT started with the session on synthesis and evaluation to reflect on action plan implementation of the first ToT program. Four participants shared their experience of localizing the training in their respective provinces. During the four-day training, the participants gained relevant knowledge and skills on the four topics on Trade Promotion through closely interacting with the resource persons and actively involving in the classroom activities. As part of the modular training method, all the participants are required to conduct small workshop in their respective work place to transfer the knowledge learnt during the training. The third ToT on International Trade Law will be held in early June 2016. 

The training was delivered by the Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) Department of MI. Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Dutta, Director (TIF), Mr. Anh Nguyen Quan, Program Specialist; Mr. Sa-nga Sattanun, Program Manager and Ms. Hao Wen, Program Coordinator delivered technical sessions respectively.

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