Agricultural Development and Commercialization

Following the “One Village One Product (OVOP) Promotion and Development” training in Cambodia, Mekong Institute (MI), with support from the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) Secretariat, provided an online coaching program to mango small and medium enterprises (SMEs), selected government officials, and members of the academe on May 16-18, 2022.  

Based on the interest expressed by SMEs during the previous training program, the coaching topics covered mango processing technologies and safety standards, product branding and marketing, packaging, and access to domestic and international markets. Experts from Chiang Mai University, Thai Package Design Association, and Thai Packaging Association were invited to share relevant knowledge, expertise and experience on the subject matters to help Cambodia’s SMEs to be more competitive in the market. They were given strategies on improving mango product quality and safety by using the right technologies, creating a unique brand, and utilizing the digital market to reach a wider market. There were also discussions on how the local government can support SMEs in their business operations by providing them an enabling environment, responsive regulations, and more access to support services such as financial and credit options.

Ms. Maria Theresa Medialdia, Director of Agricultural Development and Commercialization (ADC) Department in MI encouraged participants to use the coaching program as an opportunity to create a network of support to further strengthen OVOP in Cambodia.

hopes that you will try to learn as much as you can, build a strong relation among yourself and continue to share knowledge and experiences among your peers even after this coaching program.

Initiated based on the success of the implementation of the OVOP in Japan and OTOP in Thailand, the coaching program is a part of the eight-month project “Technical Assistance for Community Development in Mekong Subregion.” which aims to enhance the capability and potential of SMEs and community enterprises in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam (CLV) by creating value-added of agricultural produce in the region.  

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