The Mekong Institute (MI), in collaboration with the Department of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion (DOSMEP) in Lao PDR, is going to organize a Structured Learning Visit (SLV) on “Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)” on October 18-20, 2016. This program will be conducted at Savannakhet Room, MI office, combined with the field visits to KSL (sugar processing), CPRAM (Bakery processing), DPO in Tha Pra (Milk Processing) and Batagro (Meat processing). 

The SLV is designed for Laos participants who are food business owners and managers, food safety team leaders of food-processing SMEs, academics, and government officials in charge of food safety and quality management regulations and standards. The program aims to strengthen the capacity of FSMS in Lao PDR through enhancing the understanding of key stakeholders in the food industry on food safety and quality management skills, tools, techniques, technologies, and systems; and build the capacity of government officials to manage FSMS and support other activities to promote agriculture, agribusiness, and the food industry in Lao PDR.

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