Trade and Investment Facilitation

“With the help of technology, innovation, and cooperation, we can collectively enhance the effectiveness and competitiveness of our tourism industry so countries in the Mekong region can attain sustainability and resilience as we move towards economic recovery.”

This was the statement of Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Dutta, Mekong Institute (MI) Director of Trade and Investment Facilitation Department at the opening session of the “Sustainable and Smart Tourism in the Post-Pandemic” online regional workshop on November 16, 2020.

Supported by the Mekong-Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund, the regional workshop is the first capacity building activity led by MI under the “Sustainable and Smart Tourism Development in the Mekong Region,” which seeks to put forward innovative but safe measures that will spur inbound tourism into the region.

“Our priority is to enhance the resilience of the tourism sector, particularly local businesses, as they are the economic engines in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam,” Mr. Dutta said.

During the five-day online workshop, 21 government officials and tourism sector representatives from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam will be briefed on the current progress of sustainable and smart tourism. Discussions will also focus on innovative coping strategies for tourism stakeholders to maximize opportunities in a pandemic setting. In addition, tourism experts from the Mekong region and Republic of Korea (ROK) will pool country-specific recommendations to deepen cooperation between ROK and Mekong countries.

Implemented by MI with support from National Tourism Organizations, the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office, and local destination management companies, the online training is part of a series of activities that will introduce smart tourism tools, techniques, and technologies through learning exchanges, structured learning visits, information-sharing, and adaption of best practices.   

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