Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mekong Institute (MI) is implementing a two year project on “Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs in the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) of ASEAN Mekong Subregion (AMS)” funded by Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). The Project aims to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs through (i) capacity development for SME clusters and networks; (ii) trade and investment promotion through Public and Private Partnership (PPP); and (iii) strengthening of Business Development Services (BDS) providers. The Project is being implemented in partnership with the national and sub-national stakeholders in 19 provinces along the SEC in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (CMTV). 

As part of the Project framework, MI is organizing Structured Learning Visit (SLV) cum Business Matching in Thailand on September 10 – 16, 2017. It aims to bring the representatives of selected SMEs and public and private BDS providers in the SEC Provinces to observe and learn from the successful industrial clusters and value chains integration best practice. The SLV also expose them to the emerging business opportunities in Thailand through business matching and networking. 

The specific objectives of the event are for the participants to 

· have direct exposure to the successful industrial clusters and value chain integration models in Thailand; 

· understand state-of-the-art production systems, packaging, processing, standards & certification process, quality control technologies, R&D, skill development opportunities and suppliers of some leading organizations (businesses / associations / institutions) in the related industries in Thailand; 

· identify emerging opportunities for business development in Thailand and vice versa; 

· establish network and linkages with different key stakeholders in Thailand. 

A total of 20 participants from the 11 Provinces in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam (two from each province) participate in the SLV cum Business Matching in Thailand. They include selected SMEs and public and private BDS providers who are working in the agribusiness sector. 

The group visits related business enterprises, associations and institutions in Thailand’s Petchabun, Phitsanulok, Lampang and Chang Mai Provinces to learn about their best practices on key components of the respective value chain, input management, food safety, processing, packaging, certification, lab, export and import procedures, R&D and advanced technology in farming. 

Further information about SLV cum Business Matching in Thailand can be found at:

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