Agricultural Development and Commercialization ,Trade and Investment Facilitation ,Sustainable Energy and Environment
Promoting the basic principles of food safety, hygiene, and sanitation to food handlers, Mekong Institute (MI), through the PROSAFE project, is organizing the Regional Training Programme on Good Hygiene Practices for Food Service Providers on March 6-10, 2023 at the MI Training Centre in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Supported by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the five-day course is designed to enhance the understanding of food business operators and relevant government officials in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) on Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) in restaurants and canteens.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Maria Theresa S. Medialdia, Director of the Agricultural Development and Commercialization Department of Mekong Institute, provided an overview of the health report incidences in the region which are behind the need for CLMV to improve their national food safety measures. She emphasized that “cooperation among the food stakeholders will greatly benefit the region’s agriculture and tourism sectors.”

Attending the course are twenty-eight (28) participants made up of government officials in charge of food safety, private sector representatives involved in food catering and services, and members of the academic and research institutions engaged in food safety projects. 

Delivering the modules on the GHP requirements in ensuring safe food is Mr. Shane Hopgood, Managing Director of Assured Food Safety Ltd and Assured Audits NZ Ltd in New Zealand. The best practices of Thailand in food safety legislations compliance, such as the implementation of the “Food Safety Control Systems in Catering Industry” and the “Clean Food, Good Taste” certification scheme will be discussed by an expert from the Thailand Ministry of Public Health, Ms. Naiyana Chaitiemwong.

Participants will also be exposed to food business operators including restaurants, canteens, and night market food stalls in Khon Kaen who have food hygiene certification or food safety assurance systems in place. This will provide opportunities for the participants to directly learn and observe the current practices of Thai food handlers in implementing GHP.

This training program is being held under the Promoting Safe Food for Everyone project or PROSAFE under the auspices of the New Zealand Aid Programme.

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