To enhance knowledge of new energy technologies, share experience in science and technology innovations and management, and promote cooperation in the regional power market in the near future, Mekong Institute (MI) trained 39 officials from energy authorities, professionals from power utilities and representatives from research institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in a course entitled “Training on New Energy Technology Development and Its Applications in the GMS” from December 19 – 21, 2022.

The 3-day training course introduced new energy technologies, their development and integrated application in Yunnan Province, enhanced the participants’ understanding of the development of new energy in the GMS countries and the development mode of new energy, and identified the challenges and opportunities facing the power industry due to the development and penetration of new energy. 

“From the perspective of low-carbon development and control of greenhouse gas emissions in the Paris Agreement, China has made a ‘double carbon’ commitment. To achieve ‘carbon peak and carbon neutrality’, China is rigorously developing new energy and building a new type of power system with new energy. At the same time, the high proportion of new energy power systems has brought many challenges. For this online exchange training, we have carefully designed the training course, and invited experts with profound theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience to lecture on the development of new power systems as well as the practice and perspectives of power cooperation among Lancang-Mekong countries, large-scale energy storage technology, Yunnan energy green low-carbon transformation and development, and modern power grid construction,”

Through the online course, the participants gained new perspectives on the energy sector and were prepared for the energy transition and cross-border power grid interconnection in the future. The envisioned new energy system provides reliable, affordable and clean energy to the people, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and Lancang-Mekong Cooperation goals.  

The training program was organized by MI and China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (CSG).

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