Agricultural Development and Commercialization

With support from the Permanent Mission of China to UNESCAP, Mekong Institute (MI) completed the “China’s Utilization of Technology to Tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic” project, which produced a research study and multi-language video, as part of a campaign to share interventions that can help mitigate the spread of the virus and strengthen risk management and preparedness in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).

The study, which was launched on June 28, 2021 at a webinar and viewed by over 600 people, detailed how big data, artificial intelligence, and unmanned aerial vehicles helped flatten the curb during peak pandemic surges in China.   

This is an opportunity to share good practices that can be adapted by other countries,

Mr. Ke added that he hopes the public dissemination of the video in Mandarin, English, Khmer, Lao, Myanmar, Thai, and Vietnamese will inspire wider adaptation of technological initiatives for deeper understanding of the virus, better treatment, and more stringent transmission prevention measures.  

Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn, MI Executive Director, enjoined the continued sharing of best practices through dialogues and evidence-based studies so the GMS can build a repository of knowledge materials, products, and tools for the fortification of innovative pandemic preparedness and response.

“In these challenging times, we must set an enabling environment for us to jointly address immediate and long-term priorities so we can effectively recover from the impacts of COVID-19,” he said.

The study report and the video can be accessed here: “Study on China’s Way of Utilization of Technology to Tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic,” English videoMandarin videoKhmer videoLao videoMyanmar videoThai video, and Vietnamese video.

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