Trade and Investment Facilitation

The three week training program on “Certified Logistics Master Program” has been launched on the 16th March. The training course is part of the three-year project on “Certified Logistics Master Program”, funded by the Mekong-Republic of Korea (ROK) Cooperation Fund. 

The training program trains 30 logistics service operators, such as operators, freight forwarders, warehouse operators, government policy makers, and association members from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand, to improve cross-border and trans-shipment logistics services through capacity development and accreditation of local logistics providers. 

Welcoming the participants, Mr. Madhurjya Dutta, Program Manager of Trade and Investment Facilitation Division, MI, emphasized the significance of the local logistics operators with the formation of ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 and to decreasing cross-border logistics cost, improving quality and timely services of local logistics providers in the GMS. He outlined the objectives and the outcomes of the three year project to improve cross-border and trans-shipment logistics services through capacity development and accreditation of local logistics providers. 

In the opening address, Mr. Chung Heamoon, Secretary General of ASEAN Center, Republic of Korea, he emphasized the significance of Mekong region as a vibrant growth engine driving ASEAN integration. He said, “the modular training on the Certified Logistics Master Program will be the first project ever to be unveiled under the Mekong-ROK Cooperation Fund, organized by Mekong Institute. This project will be an exciting adventure for the logistics professionals from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam”. 

The three weeks training follows a modular format with three inter-related phases; training, knowledge transfer phase and a final examination. The successful candidates of the modular cycle will be awarded with ‘Certified Logistic Master’ certificate. The training curriculum has been developed by a team of international experts in the field and the training will be delivered by experts from GMS – Freight Transporters Association (FRETA), Khon Kaen University and subject experts from the region.

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