Sustainable Energy and Environment

As an offshoot of MI’s regional training on scaling up digital connectivity for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) held on July 10-14, 2023, a group of six MI alumni from Thailand rolled out their country action plan starting with an online course offered to local MSMEs on August 25, 2023.

The activity welcomed participants from registered community enterprises from various industries, empowering them with knowledge of digital technologies and encouraging the integration of these technologies into their business operations.

MI supports the implementation of the said country action plan jointly created by its training alumni from Thailand’s Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC), Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA), B.P. Supakij Co., Ltd., Pracharat Raksamakki Pranchinburi Co., Ltd., and Prachinburi Provincial Community Organization Council.

During the training, MI Executive Director, Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn highlighted the importance of embracing digital connectivity as a crucial aspect of revolutionizing MSMEs’ business operations.

“At MI, we recognize that digital connectivity is no longer a luxury but a strategic necessity. As consumer behavior shifts towards digital dependence, businesses must learn to adapt. Despite the challenges of inadequate infrastructure, political complexities, and cybersecurity concerns, MI commits to guide and support our MSMEs in navigating this digital terrain,” said Mr. Suriyan during his opening remarks.

The training enabled Thai MSMEs to have a comprehensive understanding of digital utilities, gain practical knowledge of useful digital platforms and local software, and build partnerships that can help steer the sector’s digital transformation.

Participants had the opportunity to pitch projects that aim to ensure their business leverage on the available digital tools and solutions.

Capping off the implementation of national action plans spearheaded by MI training alumni from each Mekong country, a synthesis and evaluation workshop will be conducted to gauge progress, exchange best practices, and share lessons learned. The initiative is part of the Scaling-Up Digital Connectivity for MSMEs in the Lancang-Mekong Countries for Post-Pandemic Resilience Project with support from P. R. China.

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