MI joined over 500 delegates in the recently held Myanmar Statistical Forum 2018 last November 2 in Nay Pyi Taw. Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Dutta, Director of MI’s Trade and Investment Facilitation Department, served as one of the forum speakers at the roundtable discussion on “Transforming the Data Culture in Myanmar” where he highlighted the role of capacity building in promoting data revolution and data culture in Myanmar. The event aimed to promote wider literacy on Myanmar Statistical Law and assist in the implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics to ensure accurate, reliable and trustful official statistics to wider data users.
Organized the by Central Statistical Organization of Myanmar’s Ministry of Planning and Finance and GIZ, the event was attended by the country’s eight Union Ministers, Heads of Regions, senior officials from central and state governments, and organizations like World Bank, UNESCAP, UNDP, UNFPA, GIZ and other international development partners. The event was inaugurated by H.E Mr. Henry Van Thio, Vice President of Republic of the Union of Myanmar.