Mekong Institute (MI) released its anniversary logo to highlight its development contributions and institutional growth in the last quarter of a century.

The logo is a modern representation of synergy rooted on the age-old adage that the ‘sum is greater than its parts,’

He explained that when taken as a whole MI’s diverse areas of support in agricultural development, trade and investment facilitation, and sustainable energy and environment—as depicted in the various icons—manifest gains that set into motion the realization of regional aspirations towards connectivity, competitiveness, community.  

“It is from that trajectory that MI works with GMS governments and development partners to better and continually align resources and efforts for stronger synergies to deliver more holistic development impacts,” Mr. Suriyan emphasized.

The logo contest was open to the 42-member MI staff, several of whom have been with MI since 1997. They were invited to illustrate their perspective of MI’s role in fostering regional cooperation and integration, as well as their hopes for the subregion.

The winning logo was conceptualized by Mr. Thorng Ra of the Agricultural Development and Commercialization Department. Mr. Ra, who started as a member of MI’s Young Scholars Program and was later hired as project officer before being promoted to program coordinator, has been with MI for nine years.

It was important to explain that MI’s work, while regional in nature, focuses on empowering people and helping communities to identify, plan, and lead their own development,

Because, ultimately, much more can be accomplished together, than any of us could ever do alone

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