Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mekong Institute (MI) conducted two training programs in collaboration with the Cambodia Freight Forwarders Association (CAMFFA) on ‘Basic Accounting and Financial Management for SMEs in Freight and Logistics Sector’, delivered on February 6, 2018, and ‘Basic Logistics Management’ on February 6-8, 2018.

Both trainings were delivered as part of EU-SWITCH Asia’s Green Freight Project on “Sustainable Freight Transport and Logistics in the Mekong Region” of which MI is an implementing partner together with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)-Thailand.

The trainings aimed to provide knowledge and skills on accounting principles and basic data needs to support SMEs involved in the project and to introduce key elements on logistics management for the delivery of efficient logistics services in Cambodia.  

A total of 56 senior and mid-level officials from state-owned enterprises, Cambodia Freight Forwarders Association (CAMFFA), Kampuchea Shipping Agency and Broker (KAMSAB), GIZ Phnom Penh Office, as well as representatives from transport and logistics businesses attended the trainings.

A team of in-house resource persons from MI’s Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) Department, Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Dutta, Mr. Quan Anh Nguyen, and Mr. Sa-nga Sattanun, delivered the training sessions, which featured presentations and group work exercises.

The team also introduced the GMS Logistics Database (http://www.logisticsgms.com) to the participants and encouraged them to register their business in the online platform.

Speaking during the inaugural session of the trainings, Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Dutta, Director of TIF Department explained that the “training topics are aligned with the four core areas of the project, namely fuel efficiency, safety of dangerous goods transport, access to finance, and awareness and policy actions, all of which are important aspects in road transport and sustainability of the sector.”

Mr. Sin Chanthy, President of CAMFFA, in his opening remarks, also mentioned that the knowledge and skills from the training are crucial to improve transport and logistics management efficiency, which is in line with Cambodia’s national logistics master plan 

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