Mekong Institute Welcomes the New Republic of Korea Ambassador to Thailand at Courtesy Luncheon Meeting

February 16, Bangkok – Mekong Institute (MI) had the honor of hosting a courtesy luncheon meeting with the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea (ROK) to Thailand, Mr. Park Yongmin. During the luncheon conversations, both parties exchanged perspectives on enhancing collaboration between the Mekong region and the RoK, intending to bolster regional integration efforts.

Mr. Suriyan warmly welcomed Ambassador Park as the new Ambassador of the ROK to Thailand. He expressed MI’s eagerness to seek Ambassador Park’s guidance and continued support in fostering close cooperation and partnership between the ROK, Thailand, and the Mekong countries.

Discussions centered on the current status and prospects of Mekong-Korea cooperation. The luncheon meeting served as an amiable setting to explore avenues for strengthening partnerships and maximizing mutual benefits. Both parties emphasized the importance of the commitment made by the Mekong countries and the ROK in leading efforts to achieve broader regional integration.

MI is actively involved in several regional projects with the ROK. One of the most prominent collaborations is under the Mekong-Korea Cooperation Fund (MKCF). Established in 2013, the MKCF serves as a cooperation mechanism among the five Mekong countries and the ROK, aimed at fostering collaboration in various sectors. MI serves as the Fund Coordinator, responsible for coordinating and implementing the fund’s activities. This includes providing assistance in project management, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and ensuring the quality of activities undertaken by the Project Implementing Agencies (PIA).

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