Written by Mekong Institute

The Mekong institute conducted a ten-day training program on “Integrated Water Resources Management for the Mekong” for eight Junior Riparian Professionals from line agencies of National Mekong Committees of the four lower Mekong Countries. The program, which was carried out from 4 to 14 January 2011, aimed to provide the participants with knowledge and skills related to water resource management n the context of Mekong Cooperation. The topics covered integrated water resource management principles, water resources management functions, basin planning and decision support framework, development potentials in the lower Mekong Basin, and key water resources management issues.  

The use of participatory approaches and a strong focus on practical knowledge were highlighted in teh course. Likewise, two structured learning visits were included in the program, one on Pak Mun Dam and another on kaen Lawa Watland Management, to give the participants some insights on the various problems involved in the planning and implementation some insights on the various problems involved in the planning and implementation of hydro power projects and water management n Thailand.

The participants evaluated the course as successful and provided some recommendations for training improvement. participants mainly proposed that duration of the training course should be extended to 3 weeks to have enough time for field visits and internalizing classroom training modules. The approaches and training methods employed such as the use of lecture, group discussion and presentation, video, and field works were highly appreciated by the participants and they suggested continuing its use as they found those methods an integral part of their leaning experience.

The training curriculum, contents and methodologies were co-designed with the MRC Integrated Capacity Building Programme.

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