Written by Mekong Institute

The MI was commissioned by InWEnt-Capacity Building International, Germany to conduct an eight-day structured learning vsit program on “Income Generation and SME Models” in Danang City and Hoi An of Quang Nam Province, Vietnam from 23 to 30 May 2010 for twenty-seven government officials of Stung Treng Province in Cambodia. The structured Learning Visit aims to study Income Generation Models via Crop Production and Animal Raising as well as study SMEs and how to manage SME activities in Danang and Hoi An City, Vietnam.   

Three MI facilitators were involved in organization the program, facilitating discussions and sharing experiences with the a participants. The participants visited six places in Danang City and 3 places in Hoi An City of Quang Nam Province, Vietnam to enhance their best practices learned during the entire visit. At the end of the SLV, the participants presented their reflections on the visit and developed individual/group action plans for their respective communities.

The results of the evaluation showed that the SLV was successful both in terms of program design and contents, and overall organization and management. However, recommendations for improvement were provided in order to meet the needs of participants in Stung Treng province. Specifically, the participants expressed the need to acquire advanced technical training on poultry raising, fish culture, integrated farming and food order to enhance and diversify their income sources and provide employment opportunities in their respective communities.

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