Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn, Executive Director, Mekong Institute (MI), paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ambassador Witchu Vejjajiva, the Thai envoy to the Republic of Korea (ROK), to introduce MI and its activities and seek guidance on strengthening the ties between Thailand and other Mekong countries with ROK. Also in attendance was Ms. Kanjanatorn Kanjanasoon, First-Secretary Economic Affairs.  

During the visit, Ambassador Witchu commended the work and contribution of MI to ACMECS-ROK and Mekong-ROK cooperation, particularly the Mekong-Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (MKCF). Mr. Suriyan provided a progress report on MI’s role in the administration of the MKCF and its most recent activity, the Exchange Program on Mekong Heritage Cities in Seoul held from June 26 – 28, 2023.

The two sides also discussed emerging issues that are of mutual interest and benefit to Mekong countries and the ROK. Taking account of the rebound in economic development and cooperation, these are the use of technology and innovation, supply chain connectivity, and transboundary environmental issues such as haze.

Ambassador Witchu mentioned further opportunities that can be tapped from both the government agencies and the private sector in the ROK and the complementarity between Mekong-ROK and ACMECS ROK where MI could support the countries in developing proposals and facilitating cooperation matching, among others.

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