Trade and Investment Facilitation

As part of the 2nd Modular Training on Certified Logistic Masters program, organized by Mekong Institute from October 26 to November 3, 2015, the project team of Trade and Investment Facilitation Department (TIF) conducted the monitoring of the Action Plan implementation (API) undertaken by the participants in CLMVT (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand) during January 11 – 25, 2016. The action plans designed by individual participants aimed to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the training into their work, which is known as “Do to Learn”. 

During their Action Plan implementation, the Project team provided the participants with onsite and online technical support, assessed the work progress, and interacted with the participants’ supervisors on API-related matters to ensure an effective implementation of the action plans. In addition, the project team had working sessions with the logistics associations, trucking associations and Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the five countries, to discuss about the Logistics database development plan, covering logistics company profiles, that has been planned to launch in 2016. 

Upon completion of the API, the participants will report on the implementation outcomes and share their experience and feedback with MI and co-participants at the Synthesis and Evaluation (S&E) workshop, which is scheduled on February 1 – 2, 2016. To this end, the action plan outcome will be evaluated by the Technical Working Group, which will award the successful participants wth the ‘Certified Logistics Masters’. 

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