Training on E-commerce Policy Development and Implementation Strategies for SME Development in CLMVT Countries

BACKGROUND In September 2021, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), and the Mekong River Commission (MRC) launched a project entitled “Triangular Cooperation on Sustainable Development in the Lower Mekong Basin based on the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus.” The project, also known as the …

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Training on Investing on a Greener Agrifood Sector

Background Addressing climate change and transforming agri-food systems are key to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The agricultural sectors, including crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries, and aquaculture are greatly dependent on climate stability. It is estimated that in the medium to long term climate-related changes will lead to negative effects on yields of agricultural and …

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Consultation Workshop on Innovative Financing for the Decarbonization of the Transport Sector in the Lancang-Mekong Countries

As part of the “Global Development Initiative Leverages Sustainable Development in the Lancang-Mekong Region” project funded by the People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China (P.R. China) to enhance sustainable development in the region and support Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Goals, MI plans to hold the first in a series of three consultation workshops on “Innovative …

Consultation Workshop on Innovative Financing for the Decarbonization of the Transport Sector in the Lancang-Mekong Countries Read More »

End of Project Evaluation and Dissemination Workshop on Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Development in Mekong Countries

Background The Mekong Institute (MI), serving as the Project Implementing Agency for the Mekong-Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (MKCF), organized several capacity development activities spanning five Mekong countries – Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam (CLMTV) – as part of the ‘Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Development in Mekong Countries’ project, that ran …

End of Project Evaluation and Dissemination Workshop on Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Development in Mekong Countries Read More »

Regional Learning Program on Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Strengthening Food Security in the Lancang-Mekong Countries

Background Poverty and food security are intricately linked. Without income or resources to grow food, people experiencing poverty are vulnerable to high food prices resulting from external shocks like the ongoing pandemic and are prone to be chronically undernourished. Thus, reducing poverty is critical in policy development for food security. During COVID-19, the Lancang-Mekong (LM) …

Regional Learning Program on Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Strengthening Food Security in the Lancang-Mekong Countries Read More »

Hybrid Regional Expert Talk on Promoting Resilient Creative Economy through Cross-sectoral and Regional Collaboration

Introduction The Creative Economy (CE) has become a new source of economic growth in many parts of the world. Since the industrial revolution 4.0 emphasizes creativity and innovation, it is paving the way for the creative economy to thrive. Today, the creative industries are one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy, providing …

Hybrid Regional Expert Talk on Promoting Resilient Creative Economy through Cross-sectoral and Regional Collaboration Read More »

Webinar on Advancing Sustainable Development in the Lancang-Mekong Region through Global Development Initiative

Background In response to the economic downturn, social exclusion, and substantive setbacks caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the Global Development Initiative (GDI) on September 21, 2021, as a pathway to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for stronger, greener, and more balanced global development, and foster a global community …

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Regional Training Programme on Risk-based Food Inspection

Introduction Food regulators and food business operators alike are responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of food placed in the market and along the value chain – from production to processing, retailing and consumption. One of the components of a national food control system is inspection services. Food laws and regulations are meaningless without …

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Regional Training Programme on Food Safety Management Tools for Cottage and Small Food Businesses

BACKGROUND Safe food handling begins at production and continues through the preparation process up to consumption. If unsafe handling has occurred at any stage, there could be a potential of danger. To avoid this food risk, competent authorities set food safety guidelines for the food business operators. Consumer expectations and demand place important responsibilities on …

Regional Training Programme on Food Safety Management Tools for Cottage and Small Food Businesses Read More »

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