Written by Mekong Institute  

Project title: GMS SME BIZ Network
Implementing: Mekong Institute Secretariat, 123 Khon Kaen University,
Agency: Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Tel: 66 (0) 43-202411-2 Fax: 66 (0) 43343 131

Actual Participants: Thirty Thai SME Exporters and thirty SMEs of CLMV and Xouthwest China

Project Duration: 6-10 September 2010

The Mekong Institute was commissioned by the Office of SME Promotion of Thailand to design and facilitate a regonal forum on GMS SME BIZ Network that aimed to promote SME Export Network among Thai SME Exporters and SMEs and Key Persons of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Yunnan and Guang Xi Provinces of China (ClMV and SWC). The forum was held at the MI’s Residential Training Center, Khon Kaen Uniersity from 6 to 10 September 2010. Seveny four entrepreneurs and concerned government officials participated in the forum.

This forum aimed to:

  1. Promote closer working relationship, long-term business cooperaton and network between Thai SME Exporters and Logistic Providers and SMEs and Key Persons of CLMV and SC.
  2. Facilitate the formulation of join business plans among the SMEs in the GMS
  3. Add value to trade and investment of Thai SMEs

The participants are thirty Thai SMEs, 5 Chinese, 6 Cambodians, 9 Laos, 6 Myanmar, and 10 Vietnamese that are interested in the have capacity to establish strategic alliance with SME partners in the neighboring countries and ASEAN as a whole. This program targeted those SMEs in the Northeastern region of Thailand those SMEs of CLMV and YG along economic corridors.

Contents of the workshop included panel discussions, structured learning visits and plenary deliberation on:

  • Strategic Framwork of ASEAN Economic Community- by Dr. Pornchai Danvivathana Deputy Director General of ASEAN Department of MoFA
  • Developing Thailand and the Mekong Region as ASEAN SME Regional Gateway- by Mr. MK Dutta, MI Trade and Investment Facilitation program Manager
  • Global and Regional Trend of SME BIZ Network and Expor Consortia- by Dr Abe masato, Senior Economic Officer, UNESCAP
  • Country SME SWOT Analysis and country report on each country policies, rules and regulations related to trade, investment and export, investment and business development potentials, current SME situation and Business Development Services,
  • Multilateral and Bilateral Agreement, CBTA and logistics in the GMS- by Dr. Rattanatay Luangradbandth, ADB, Mr. oudet Suwannavong, GMS Business Forum, Ms. Tui Pakarat Rutten, Cambodian Fright Forwarder and Mr. Suraphol Thaveesangsakulthai, Khon Kean Chamber of Commerce
  • SME BIZ Network and Business Cluster- by Mr. Sorapob Chuadamrong, Vice President of Chaingmai Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Wichien Chedchutrakunthong, Former President of SMEs Chiangmai-Lampoon Association, and Mr. Masao Takagi, Business Matching Expert, Japan
  • Formulating Joint Business Plan – six joint business plans were developed at the forum. They are: 1) Decorating Brick Project, 2) Local Yogurt Products, 3) Regional Tourism, 4) GMS Silk Road, 5) Mobiled Training, and 6) Prae Pan Cotton Cluster.
  • Integrating Knowledge and experiences and way forward- SME BIZ Network on-line services, capacity building of Business Associatons and Community of Practices. A website portal has been created (wit linkage to MI website) to promote network among the participants.

Actual Outcomes:

  1. Network of SME Exporters and Logistic Providers of Thailand and SMEs of CLMV and SWC. This includes established business relationship and trust among and between Thai Exporters and those SMEs from the GMS countries. Total of seventy five participants are now regiostered with the network.
  2. Six joint Business Plans
  3. Country reports which includes SWOT Analysis of SMEs in the context of ASEAN Economic Community and country trade and investment policies and institutional arrangements.

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