End of Project Evaluation and Dissemination Workshop on Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Development in Mekong Countries

June 13, 2023

The Mekong Institute (MI), serving as the Project Implementing Agency for the Mekong-Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (MKCF), organized several capacity development activities spanning five Mekong countries – Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam (CLMTV) – as part of the ‘Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Development in Mekong Countries’ project, that ran from December 2021 to May 2023. The project aimed to enhance production efficiency and effectiveness, minimize post-harvest losses, and increase energy efficiency in the agricultural supply chains across the Mekong region. By introducing smart agriculture, smart logistics and smart renewable energy technologies, the project contributed to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by transforming the agricultural supply chains through innovative technologies.

The Mekong Institute has conducted an end-of-project evaluation to assess the activities that were rolled out during the project period. The survey was conducted in the CLMTV countries via Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). The results of this evaluation will be shared at an End of Project Evaluation and Dissemination Workshop scheduled for June 13, 2023, from 09:30 am to 10:45 am (GMT+7).

The online workshop will inform the project’s advisory committee, stakeholders and beneficiaries in the CLMTV about the outcomes of the implemented activities.

The ‘Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chains Development’ project was successfully implemented in the CLMTV countries over one and a half years. The following steps will be followed for project closure:

i. Share the results of the implemented project activities. This involves identifying and documenting the challenges encountered, the lessons learned, and the best practices adopted, thereby highlighting the success stories that have arisen from the project.

ii. Compiling a compendium of the technologies introduced throught the lifespan of the project. This will serve as a resource for potential replication or future activities of a similar project.

iii. Documenting country-specific case-studies, based on the implementation of project activities. These case studies will provide an in-depth perspective of the project’s impact and effectiveness within each participating country.

iv. Preparing a comprehensive policy brief aimed at the governments of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam (CLMTV). This policy brief will highlight significant findings and propose a set of next steps, encouraging the continuation of efforts towards the development of a sustainable and smart agricultural supply chain in the Mekong.

The workshop will present an assessment of the project’s implemented activities, delivered in the format of a PowerPoint presentation. This presentation will incorporate the following key points:

  • Evaluation Objectives, Approach, and Methodology
  • Evaluation Results
  • Compendium of Smart Technologies Introduced by the Project and Case Studies
  • Policy Brief on Advancing Agricultural Digitalization in Mekong countries
  • Lessons Learnt and Recommendations

The workshop has been designed for the Project Advisory Committee, stakeholders and beneficiaries, as well as training & workshop participants who attended activities during the project. These target groups include senior officials from the national Ministries of Agriculture, Land and Transport, and Energy, as well as members of business associations and service providers in the areas of agribusiness, logistics, and energy, all of whom were drawn from the CLMTV countries.

The workshop is intended to deepen the understanding to the Project Advisory Committee, stakeholders and beneficiaries as to the impact of this project in terms of its effectiveness as a capacity building mechanism. The event presents an opportunity for the CLMTV governments and the Mekong Institute to gather specific recommendations and feedback on the project. These insights will provide a structured path towards project closure and offer valuable policy advice for Mekong countries interested in further pursuing Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain development.

MKCF’s Project Implementing Team
Telephone : +66 (0) 43 202411, Extension 2102 (TIF), 3103 (ADC) and 4102 (SEE)
Email: [email protected]

Mekong Institute
123 Mittraphap Road, Muang District, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
Website: https://www.mekonginstitute.org

To download the concept note, click here

To download the agenda, click here

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