Written by Mekong Institute

The Mekong Institute conducted a 5-day training programme on “Post-Conflict Approaches towards Local Economic Development in Kayin State, Myanmar” on August 28- September 1, 2015. Fifteen participants from different government agencies and private sector attended the training. The training aimed to strengthen the skills of the local economic development actors in Kayin State which are necessary to facilitate economic stimulation in the area.  

The training took place at Grand Hill Hotel, Hpa-an, Kayin State. Mr.Thuta Aung, the Trainer, Ms. Than Tha Aung, the program facilitator from Mekong Institute, Dr. Thet Thet Mar and Dr. Khin Myat Soe from RLED-EWEC Myanmar office, contributed to the design and delivery of the program with their technical expertise. The training was composed of five modules. Module 1 on Investment Promotion aimed to expose the participant to the concepts of investment promotion and by examining how to effective communicate the opportunities to potential investor to bring in responsible investments into Kayin State. Module 2 on “ASEAN Economic Community and National Export Strategy” was to familiarize the participants with contemporary issues surrounding AEC at the regional level and the NES at the country level. Module 3 on “Private-Public- Partnership and Post Conflict Economic Reconstruction” provided case studies of other countries and creation hypothetical scenarios for Kayin State in the future. Module 4 explored the role of government in stimulating economic development encouraging enterprises and entrepreneurship. The monitoring and evaluation tools employed throughout the program confirmed that the program’s objectives were achieved and the program was successful. Most of the participants were very satisfied with the program as shown in the total average rating by participants on the overall assessment of the training program.

As targeted by the training, this training enabled the participants to produce the action plans that could be implemented using the knowledge attained from the training. As the success of the training will also be measured by the extent in which participants are able to implement their action plans, MI have planned follow-up activities to provide technical support towards their action plan implementation

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