Mekong Institute is again bringing together opinion leaders, stakeholders and key development players in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) for Mekong Forum 2018 on August 3, 2018 at Avani Khon Kaen Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand. On its sixth year, Mekong Forum 2018 tackles the theme, Turnarounds and Takeoffs: Speeding Up Competitiveness and Connectivity in the GMS.   

This year’s agenda offers ideas and insights on how innovation can be further promoted to boost the competitiveness of the region’s industries and enterprises by means of strategic policies and incentives, and at the same time, explore how development cooperation strategies and mechanisms can bring people and communities together and enhance regional connectivity.

Three sessions have been designed to offer relevant and interactive discussions on this year’s theme – challenges in the growth momentum of the GMS; scaling up competitiveness and innovation; and harnessing development cooperation for stronger connectivity. Leading the discussions are experts from the government, academe, business sector and development cooperation organizations.

MI invites development practitioners, government officers and senior policy makers, academics, and businesses and civic leaders to this one-day gathering. Registration is until July 6, 2018. Visit the Mekong Forum 2018 page for more information.

Register for Mekong Forum 2018

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