Agricultural Development and Commercialization

Under the PROSAFE (Promoting Safe Food for Everyone) project, 35 representatives from agri-food enterprises reported better understanding of food safety concepts, labeling requirements and packaging technologies after the Packaging and Labeling for Processed Agri-Products training on October 23 and 24, 2019 in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.  

Facilitated by Mekong Institute (MI) and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Support Center 2—with funding support from the New Zealand Aid Programme—the activity helped trainees accurately label packages, use appropriate packaging materials, and enhance packaging design to boost product competitiveness in the local and regional markets.

At the end of the two-day activity, trainees underscored the responsibility of manufacturing industries and food processing enterprises in implementing food safety and quality standards. They committed to invest in suitable fresh produce packaging materials to extend their products’ shelf life, as well as provide safe consumption information to consumers.

Dr. Dong Thi Anh Dao, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology Lecturer, led the training. Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Loc and Ms. Nguyen Thai Thanh Truc, as MI alumni trainers, organized and co-facilitated the activity to fulfill their action plan from MI’s Regional Training Program on Packaging and Labeling for the Processed Agri-Food training in August 2019.

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