Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mekong Institute (MI) organized a Structured Learning Visit (SLV) cum Business Matching event from April 3rd – 9th 2015. The aim of the seven-day event was to promote the cross-border trade and investment along the North-South Economic Corridor (NSEC), and to help the private sectors seeking potential business collaboration with local companies to access the regional and global market. 

The SLV has generated great interests among the business owners for collaborations through factory visits and product studies as follow up in the next three months. 

It also gave an opportunity for the participants to observe and formulate queries and prepare field notes on best practices, supportive infrastructure, opportunities, constraints and challenges throughout their visits. As a result, the event enhanced the participants’ understandings on cross-border trade facilitation framework and improved their knowledge and skills in promoting trade and investment in the agriculture sector. 

17 participants from China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand attended the event. They are the middle to senior level management from agro-companies, logistic companies and Chambers of Commerce and Industries. Public sector representatives from the Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Industry in Myanmar also attended. 

MI will monitor the progress of business collaboration. A Synthesis and Evaluation Workshop will be organized during May/June 2015 for the country group representatives to share their experiences and the results of business to business development. 

The SLV Cum Business Matching is sponsored by the ASEAN-China Cooperation Fund (ACCF). It is part of the one-year project on “Enhancing Provincial and Local Chambers of Commerce Capacities in Trade and Investment Facilitation” along the GMS NSEC.

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