Trade and Investment Facilitation

With support from Mekong Institute, the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) highlighted strategies and best practices to support small- and medium-sized enterprises at a national workshop on “Promoting SMEs through Cross-Border Trade: Enhance Firm Competitiveness in Post-COVID-19 in Cambodia” on November 25, 2020 in Phnom Penh.

Chaired by His Excellency Oknha Nguon Meng Tech, Director General of the CCC, 30 SME participations were briefed on supply chain management, competitiveness, customs clearance and inspection, and cross-border trade logistics regulations during the pandemic.  

In addition, experts presented Trade Map, a website developed by the International Trade Center containing empirical data on import and export worldwide for measuring product competitiveness of countries through the calculation of Revealed Comparative Advantage.

Workshop attendees expressed satisfaction at the end of the activity, collectively stating that the presentations of expert resource persons and the lively exchange of information among participants were helpful in enhancing their knowledge on cross-border and international trade.

The activity was completed as part of the “Upgrading Border Facilitation for Trade and Logistics Development” project, which is supported by the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund.  

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