Trade and Investment Facilitation

To present the highlights of research results among relevant stakeholders, Mekong Institute (MI) organized an online validation workshop on the study titled ‘Implementation of National Single Windows (NSWs) in the Mekong Countries and Operability with the ASEAN Single Window (ASW)’ on January 21, 2022.

The online workshop aimed to present and validate the findings and recommendations of the study with relevant stakeholders from the four Mekong countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam and to obtain perspectives and discuss pertinent issues related to NSWs of the Mekong region and their interoperability with ASW. 

The workshop was attended by 80 participants from the four Mekong countries, other developing countries, and experts from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific and GIZ. The participants were from the respective countries customs department and other relevant government agencies, such as the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Industry, and Council for Development of Cambodia. Other participants were representing logistics and business associations, such as the Cambodia Logistics Association and Thai Chamber of Commerce, institutes and organizations working under government departments, logistics and transport companies, and other companies engaged in export and import businesses.

MI shared to the participants some of the key highlights of the study, particularly the issues related to NSWs of the Mekong countries and their interoperability via ASW. Based on the study, the pressing concerns on the implementation of NSWs are related to the low awareness of the relevant sectors, shortage of technical manpower, and the lack of understanding and cooperation to facilitate interlinkages, among other issues.

During the workshop, the participants also shared and discussed on the current status of their respective NSWs, their perspectives on the full operationalization of NSWs, and the ways to enhance effectiveness of the NSWs and their interoperability with ASW.

Commissioned by the ASEAN Economic Ministers – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (AEM-METI) Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) Secretariat in Bangkok, Thailand, the study was conducted by a research team from MI along with country experts.

The study will be refined with the inputs from the workshop and will be submitted by MI to AMEICC, who will take it to the next level by sharing the results with the countries.

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