As part of the Mekong Institutes 15th Anniversary celebration this year, MI has launched a Photo Contest last February, themed The GMS through a Lens. Over 500 entries were submitted by more than 90 contestants from the GMS region. 

With this, it is with great pleasure that we present to you the winners of this years photography contest. We would like to thank all the contestants for sending in remarkable pieces, and we hope that you would continue to join us in our 15th Anniversary Celebration throughout the year. 

The Mekong Institute would like to congratulate the following winners for their masterful works: (The winners will be receiving THB 30,000, 20,000 and 10,000 respectively.) 

First place: Self Reliance by Mr. Piya Palapunya

Second Place: The Livelihood Mr. Eakarin Eakartchariyawong

Third Place: Tea Plucking by Mr. Sakesan Wangchaisuk

Special Prize: Best in Composition To the Market by Mr. Nguyen Dinh Lac

The top 30 photographs of this contest will be displayed in an exhibit at the Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia on the 27-28th of June, 2012. You are welcome to join us in this event, as we formally launch our 15th Anniversary together. 

If you wish to view all the photographs entered in this contest, as well as the chosen top 30, please visit our Facebook Page through this link

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