Training on Business Research and Information Management for Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Business Associations along East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) was formally inaugurated today .The program is attended by 31 participants representing the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and Business Associations from the 11 provinces along EWEC in Vietnam, Lao PDR, Thailand and Myanmar. This training workshop is one of the activities planned under Enhancing Capacity of Provincial and Local Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Promoting Trade and Investment along EWEC funded by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) 

The inaugural program was graced by Mr. Katsuya Nagafusa, First secretary of the Japanese Embassy in Thailand. Speaking at the inaugural session, he stressed the importance of private sector development in the region and underlined the importance of business research to enhance cross-border trade and investment. This one-week workshop (21 25 March) aims to enhance skills of provincial CCI in developing provincial business profiles and business research, building up compatible database and business information on the entire EWEC and establish network among officials of CCI. 

The program is conducted by resource persons from Mekong Institute and external experts from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi Ms. Tamanna Chaturvedi and Dr. Chutiporn Anutariya from the Shinawatra University, Bangkok 

Mr. Nagafusa, First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy Bangkok delivered his key note speech 

Participants from 11 provinces along EWEC participated in the getting to know session 

Thirty one participants from Chambers of Commerce and SME Associations on EWEC
are at MI Residential Training Center, Khon Kaen University Campus. 

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