The Opening Ceremony for the Learning Program on Business Leadership in Competitive Enterprises was held at the Mekong Institute on April 27, 2009.
Mr. John Barker, Managing Director, Barker Metrology Consultants and Metrology Consultant for the Mekong Metrology Capacity Building Project opened the session and welcomed the participants to the course. Dr. Suchat Katima, Director of the Mekong Institute also welcomed participants and wished them a productive stay at the MI.

The participants to the course represented 5 of the GMS countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Two participants from the Philippines were also invited to the course. Participants represented the various government agencies involved in different aspects of metrology in their own countries. 
The course will run until May 22, 2009. The first week covers a series of classroom activities focusing on the relationship and competitiveness of an enterprise to benefit economic and social development in the GMS. In the following weeks learning activities including field visits to different establishments in Northeast Thailand will give participants an opportunity to observe actual metrology operations. The last week of the course will require participants to formulate a business proposal on improving the status of current metrology projects in their own countries.

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