Sustainable Energy and Environment

The Mekong Institute (MI) is inviting government officials, and those from the academia and research institutions, including representatives from the private sector of Mekong countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) who are involved in optimizing the energy source by applying the smart renewable energy technologies as well as improving energy efficiency along the agricultural supply chains to attend a regional training on “Smart Renewable Energy Technologies for Agricultural Supply Chains in the Mekong Region” from November 21-25, 2022, following an online format.  

Important criteria for participant selection will be their commitment to (a) attend the online training in its entirety, (b) complete all assignments, (c) develop an action plan and (d) implement it after completion of the training. Finally, all participants should attend the Synthesis and Evaluation workshop at the end of the program to report the results of action plan implementation as well as share the lessons learned and good practices.


The general objective is to raise the awareness on smart renewable energy technologies/innovations for agricultural supply chains. At the end of the training program, each participant shall be able to:

  • Better understand the importance of smart renewable energy technologies/innovations for agricultural supply chains;
  • Be able to select and adopt the appropriate technologies for their countries;
  • Establish a network that will foster cross-border cooperation and collaboration in application of the smart renewable energy technologies and improving the energy efficiency in the region.
The training is part of the project on ‘Sustainable and Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Development in the Mekong Countries’. The intention of the project is to improve production effectiveness and efficiency, reduce post- harvest losses, and increase energy efficiency in agricultural supply chains. The training is implemented by MI and supported by the Mekong – Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (MKCF).


The training will be conducted in a modular training format divided into three phases:

  • Online Learning Phase – consisting of 30 hours of live online learning from November 21 – 25, 2022. During this time, the participants will conceptualize, participate in training sessions and exchange practical insights. At the end, the participants will come up with the Action Plan that they are required to carry out in their respective countries.

  • Action Plan Development and Implementation – In this phase, the participants will be required to further develop and implement their Action Plan in their home countries, backstopped by the technical assistance of MI.

  • Synthesis and Evaluation Workshop: the participants will be invited to report the results of their Action Plan implementation as well as share the lesson learned and good practice in an online synthesis and evaluation workshop.

Interested applicants must complete the online application form no later than November 15, 2022. For queries, please contact Mr. Chakdao Sudsanguan, Program Facilitator, Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE) Department, at [email protected], copying Ms. Tina Wang, Program Manager, SEE Department, at [email protected].

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A lump sum amount of USD 100 will be paid to selected participants to cover internet and other costs. The payment will be made to those who complete the full online training course and commit to roll out their action plan in their home country in accordance with the action plan drafted during Phases 1 and 2 of the training.

For more information on the training course, please view

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