Agricultural Development and Commercialization

Mekong Institute (MI), with support from the New Zealand Aid Programme, will be offering eight (8) food safety courses under the Promoting Safe Food for Everyone project (PROSAFE) from January to March 2023. All training will be held at the MI Training Centre, Khon Kaen, Thailand.   

Applications are open until December 15, 2022. Interested applicants from Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Vietnam are encouraged to apply. Full training scholarships are available to a total of 28 participants: seven per country.

Apply today and be a PROSAFE Alumni. Let’s champion food safety in the Mekong region together!


Course Title

Training Dates

Course Objective

Target Participants

Application Form


Managing Food Safety Along the Supply Chain

January 9-13, 2023

The 5-day training program is designed to raise awareness of food safety issues and concerns in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) by providing a platform for mutual exchange of knowledge, experience, and skills.

Government officials, agri-food operators and exporters, and academics from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) currently involved in food production, processing and trade to attend a five-day program to be delivered by regional food safety experts.

Click here to apply


Food Safety Market Surveillance in the Food Chain

February 6-10, 2023

The 5-day training program aims to strengthen the food safety market surveillance capacity of CLMV competent authorities to facilitate the domestic and international agri-food trade. Participants will learn types of food safety market surveillance, how to access information to determine appropriate surveillance approach; and integrate surveillance data to assess and monitor the effectiveness of the national food control system.

Food control agencies from farm to table, such as surveillance and response staff, laboratory staff and food safety staff, who are usually located within the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. This training program is also useful to institutes of higher learning seeking to support competent authorities in strengthening food control systems.

Development agencies working on food control systems and agri-food trade facilitation agencies may also find this training useful.

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Traceability in Food Value Chain

February 13-17, 2023

The 5-day training program intends to provide a background and overview of traceability measures in food safety and trade facilitation; strengthen understanding of general food traceability requirements in food laws and for specific food groups; strengthen knowledge on requirements on traceability for food business operators (FBOs); and strengthen knowledge on product identification and management of information that facilitates traceability.

National food control competent authorities and businesses, officials and employees of the private sector with food inspection and certification (such as GMP, GAP, GHP and Organic Agriculture) roles.

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Good Hygiene Practices in restaurants and canteen

February 20-24, 2023

The 5-day training program is designed to enhance the understanding in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) on Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) in restaurants and canteens and be able to apply appropriate knowledge in their countries.

Government officials, and people from the academic and research institutions, including representatives from the private sector of GMS countries who are involved in restaurants, canteen, and other food service providers who are interested in setting-up hygiene control, assurance and inspection

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Food Safety Management Tools for Cottage and Small Food Businesses

February 27-March 3, 2023

The 5-day training program focuses on GMP or Good Manufacturing Practices, especially for Cottage and Small Food Businesses. This course introduces the participants to the basic principles of food safety, hygiene and sanitation. It discusses food safety hazards and how to adequately control them. This GMP course lays the foundation upon which other food safety management systems could build.

Individuals at mid to senior levels within a food processing organization. The QA/QC, Production, Engineering, purchasing as well as food processing top management positions are expected to better understand the rationale behind HACCP and other food safety management systems.

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Raising Public Awareness for Safe Food Consumption

March 6-17, 2023

The 10-day training program is designed to enhance the professional capacity of government officials, non-government organization professionals, members of the academe and private sector actors in raising public awareness of safe food consumption by introducing communication and engagement strategies that can be employed to further promote food safety awareness.

Government agencies, non-government organizations and the academic sector working on food safety-related issues in the region are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to agencies and organizations engaged in work related to science and technology, agriculture, public health, or industry and trade.

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Risk-based Food Inspection

March 20-24, 2023

The 5-day training program aims to strengthen knowledge and understanding of principles of risk-based approach to food inspection; and knowledge and application of risk categorization and risk profiling to facilitate risk-based approach to the food control system.

Representatives of agri-food public and private sectors from CLMV countries. It is particularly useful for food regulators working at border inspection facilities and on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures. Agri-food private sector representatives will find it useful for effective food safety management on their premises.

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Training of Trainer for Safer Food

March 27-31, 2023

The Training of Trainers aims to build the capacity of development professionals in planning and designing
effective training programs that will enable them to create an enabling environment for knowledge and skills
building among multi-stakeholders involved in Food Safety promotion.

Development professionals from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam involved in conducting training on different aspects of food safety in their home countries.

Click here to apply

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