Written by Mekong Institute

The structured learning visit (SLV) program on Area-based Development, Community Agribusiness, OTOP and SME Development was organized from 25 to 28 November 2009 and the sponsor is InWEnt gGmbH – Capacity Building International, Germany in cooperation with Mekong Institute, Inter-governmental Organization. The participants were District Governor, Manager and/or Chief level, Academic, Operating Officers/ Senior Trainers from government, non-government and private sector in the fields of capacity integration development from Cambodia and Lao PDR attended this learning visit program.  

The SLV was designed to explore best practices of Thailand in pro-poor product research and development, five-star OTOP, Micro-finance and community business, SME Cluster and Community learning center on sufficiency economy through observation and interaction with community enterprise group, technical support organization, and community livelihood development project pioneers around the basket areas in the Central region of Thailand (Bangkok, Ayutthaya and Angthong Provinces).

The program consisted of four learning days:

Day 1: Keynote Address and Setting the Context (Opening Remarks, Participant Familiarization, Exploring Expectation and Program Overview)

Day 2: Visit Pro-poor Product Research Development Projects and Five-star SME OTOP at Royal Chitralada Projects and Aran-yik Knife Community

Day 3: Visit Micro-finance at BAAC, OTOP Community by Sai Noi Womens Group and Local Learning Center on Sufficiency Economy by Ban Hae Community

Day 4: Presentations of Reflection to the Visits, Synthesis and Learning Evaluation and Return to Home Countries

Over the four days of the program the MI program facilitators completely facilitated the learning visits. The participants disclosed their feedback that the structure learning visit design in terms of knowledge gained, relevance and applicability to the job and meeting expectation were mostly attained(a total rating average 3.68%).

The participants evaluated that program service was very satisfied(a total rating average 4.55) in terms of material providing, time management and other logistic arrangement during the exposure visits. With regard to overall satisfaction, a total rating average 4.55 stated that program service was very satisfied. Based on the participants feedback, this report concluded that the SLV on Area-based Development, Community Agribusiness, OTOP and SME Development was successful. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE TH

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