
Title of the project: Guidelines and Certification for Green Buildings in Cambodia
Priority Area / Sector: Environment
Project Implementation Agency: National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment
Status: Ongoing
Objective(s): To reduce energy consumption, water consumption, increase more efficient use of natural resources, and make improved living environment
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Conducted stocktaking and analytical options for green building in Cambodia
  2. Completed Cambodia’s Guidelines and Certification for Green Buildings (CamGCGB)
  3. Completed Roadmap/Strategic Plan for Cambodia’s Guidelines and Certification for Green Buildings (CamGCGB)
  4. Proposed options for institutional arrangement of CamCGGB in Cambodia
  5. Completed Introductory Training on sustainability toward a green building concept and then come up with core concepts of green building design by including site selection, energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste management, construction and materials
  6. Completed Advanced training module on Cambodia’s Guidelines and Certification for Green Buildings (CamGCGB)
  7. Policy Recommendation for Cambodia’s Future construction and building code and building related regulation and policy
  8. Organized workshop and meetings of technical working group of green building
  9. Delivered two one-day introductory training courses on green of green building
  10. Organized training for construction industry stakeholders, especially architects, engineers, contractors, and manufacturers
Beneficiary: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam and Thailand
Contact Person: Mr. Nop Sokhai Email: [email protected]


Title of the project:Master Plan Establishment and Capacity Building for the Modernization and Advancement of Hydro-meteorological Infrastructure at Mekong River Basin in Lao PDR
Priority Area / Sector:Non-traditional Security Challenge
Implementation Agency:Co-implementing agencies: Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Lao PDR and WeatherPia, ROK
Objective(s):To establish a well-defined and realistic Master Plan which will be a mid-long-term plan of DMH that allows for an in-depth reference of assessment and planning
To provide a capacity building program through customized courses that target the specific needs of DMH for the modernization and advancement of national hydro-meteorological services of Lao PDR focusing on the Mekong River basin.
Key Achievements / Milestones:Completed environment analysis by collecting all data of hydro-meteorological observing equipment-installed sites
Completed As-ls Analysis to identify and evaluate the current/existing status of hydro-meteorological infrastructure in Lao PDR
Completed capacity building program on good practices in the management and operation of national meteorological and hydrological services
Completed capacity building program on the modernization of national hydro-meteorological information system.
Completed workshop to collect stakeholders’ perspectives on Master Plan Establishment of modernization and Advancement of National Hydro-meteorological Services
Completed Master Plan Establishment of modernization and Advancement of National Hydro-meteorological Services
Regionality: Lao PDR
Contact Person: Mr. Yoon Taek Kwon, email: [email protected]
Mr. Viengxai Manivong, email: [email protected] , [email protected]


Title of the project: Capacity Enhancement of Wind Energy for Sustainable Rural Development in Myanmar
Priority Area / Sector: Infrastructure
Project Implementation Agency: Department of Mechanical Engineering,Yangon Technological University
Status: Ongoing
  1. To develop curriculum, training materials comprising of 2 sets of micro-scale horizontal axis wind turbines and measuring instruments for the training, and training aids such as computer programs for the design of wind turbines and to conduct research on wind energy and its implementation technologies suitable in Myanmar’s context
  2. To provide training for approximately 40 government officials from relevant departments and participants from private sector working in wind energy related areas in Myanmar
  3. To exchange academic expertise and technology between Yangon Technological University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology as supervised by one partner university from the Republic of Korea
  4. To share common issues, challenges and lessons learnt in promotion of wind energy and find possible regional collaboration strategy for wider promotion of wind energy in rural electrification and green growth
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Curriculum for the training on wind energy has been finalized
  2. Formed project working group and technical group
  3. Current installed wind turbines have been identified done.
  4. Wind resource identification in selected township was done.
  5. Socio-economic feasibility study has been finalized
  6. Design calculation of wind turbine blade and tower for 300-Watt HAWT has been done in cooperation with Pusan National University
  7. MATLAB-based computer programs for design and analysis have been done
Regionality: Myanmar and Viet Nam
Contact Person: Dr. Min Thaw Tun and Dr. Than Than Htike Email: [email protected] and [email protected]


Title of the project: Enhancing the Capacity of E-commerce Application in Agriculture in the Mekong Region
Priority Area / Sector: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Project Implementation Agency: Viet Nam Agency of E-commerce and Information Technology, Ministry of Industry and Trade
Status: Completed
Objective(s): To recognize the barriers for agricultural e-commerce in the region as well as to improve the knowledge of government officials and MSMEs about the agricultural e-commerce
Key Achievements / Milestones: Completed study on the readiness of ICT and legal infrastructure of Mekong countries for e-commerce and platforms of e-commerce Conducted workshop to “Enhance Capacity Building of e-commerce Application in Agricultural Sector in Mekong Region” Established network with Korean e-market place such us KITA (B2B) and Street 11 (B2C)
Regionality: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
Contact Person: Ms. Bui Thi Thanh Hang Email: [email protected]


Title of the project: Promoting Safe Migration for Temporary Migrants to Thailand
Priority Area / Sector: Human Resources Development
Project Implementation Agency: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Status: Completed
Objective(s): To recognize the barriers for agricultural e-commerce in the region as well as to improve the knowledge of government officials and MSMEs about the agricultural e-commerce
Key Achievements / Milestones: Conducted policy Forum to provide inputs on the project design attended by concerned policy makers from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (CLM) Conducted training and workshop in CLM to train local trainer on data collection skills, including knowledge on current migration issues and concerns, reserch ethics, in-depth interview guidelines Shared knowledge in a workshop conducted by University of Bonn, Germany Conducted workshop on ToT Training Curriculum Development
Beneficiary: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand
Contact Person: Dr. Teeranong Sakulsri Email: [email protected]


Title of the project: Green Freight and Logistics Development in the Mekong Countries
Priority Area / Sector: Human Resources Development
Project Implementation Agency: Mekong Institute
Status: Completed
Objective(s): To reduce cost of logistics and transport as well reduce its carbon footprint
Key Achievements / Milestones:
  1. Formed Technical Working Group (TWG) and conducted 1st TWG meeting to introduce the project and get supports from TWG group consist of representative from concerned government agencies or related-business association.
  2. Setting up Green Logistic Service Quality Standard (GLSQS) including its Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  3. Developed a training curriculum on “Green Freight and Logistics Management”
  4. Conducted 3 batches of training on “Green Freight and Logistics Management in Mekong Countries” with over 90 participants.
  5. Conducted project’s Core Group meeting to introduce the GLSQS application software to representative from concerned government agencies and business associations.
  6. Conducted five National workshops to introduce the GLSQS attended by concerned government officials, transport companies, logistics companies, shipping and freight forwarder companies, and association.
  7. Conducted advanced Training of Trainers (TOT)
  8. Conducted final Technical Working Group workshop
  9. Updated GMS Logistics website with 600+ registered freight transport logistics companies in Mekong region and additional feature to inform the Green Freight Technologies
Beneficiary: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam, and Thailand
Contact Person: Mr. Robby Ronsandi, Email: [email protected]
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