Written by Mekong Institute

The 4th Regional Research Development and Methodology Training Course was conducted at Mi Residential Training Center, MI, Khon Kaen, Thailand on 25-June 12,2009. This training course is the first phase of the 10-month MI Su-regional Research Cycle offered annually by MI.

The training course was designed and delivered using modular training approach where participants went through 3 progressive stages. a) “Learn to do”, b) ” Do to Learn” and c) “Share to learn”.

Upon completion of the 3 week training course, all participants developed a research proposal that incorporates the knowledge and skills acquired on problem identification, defining research objectives, formulating research hypotheses and developing a conceptual/theoretical framework. A concrete research hypotheses and sub-regional research, with accompanying work plan and budgetary requirements, was also prepared.

Twenty-two government/non-government officers from 6 GMS countries attended the training course. Two external resource persons were invited to provide lectures and facilitate discussion,and guide the participants throughout the entire process of proposal development. One of the challenges was combining similar research ideas from different GMS countries to come up with a single research proposal. In the end, however, all the participants completed the training course successfully and came up wth 5 sub-regional research proposals.

The results of the overall evaluation for this learning program revealed that the participants were highly satisfied with the program contents, resource persons, recreational activities as well as training management and delivery. The sessions of the recreational activities as well as training management and delivery. The sessions of the program were rated as “useful” by the participated and that their acquired knowledge and skills could be applied in their work. Moreover, throughout the three-week intensive learning course, the participants developed friendships and established network among GMS researchers which is one of the objectives of MI in promoting regional cooperation.

Through the participants were highly satisfied with the learning program, several comments were provided by the participants for further program improvement. These include clear explanations on MI research thrusts and priorities, providing a good balance between course duration and class assignments, getting lecture handouts ready one day in advance, and providing adequate classroom size for the training course.  

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