On July 18, 2023, Mekong Institute (MI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Winrock International, at the MI Head Office in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Under the agreement, the two institutions will collaborate on scaling up climate-smart production practices and other capacity-building activities for the USDA-funded “Regional Agriculture Innovation Network (RAIN) project.  

On behalf of MI, Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn, MI Executive Director signed the MOU with Mr. William Sparks, Chief of party, Winrock International. The signing ceremony was attended by the senior management teams of both institutions.

The RAIN Project is working to establish an International Climate Hub that facilitates adoption of climate-smart innovations to increase productivity, reduce environmental impact, and expand trade in Thailand and Southeast Asia. This MOU is intended to facilitate the collaboration between MI and Winrock in areas related to scaling adoption of climate-smart innovations, facilitating the adoption of climate-smart innovations through training, workshops, capacity building activities, and outreach efforts that engage and empower stakeholders.

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