MI was invited to attend the “National Forum on Regional Management” organized by InWEnt (Capacity Building, Germany) in Siem Reap, Cambodia from 2-4 November 2010. During the forum, MI delegation, led by Director Dr. Suchat, presented and exchanged views with policy makers and rural development practitioners on the implication of regional integration, and MI’s experience and role in promoting equitable growth in the GMS. 

From 2009 onwards, MI has been partnering with Inwent to conduct training programs and structured learning visits to make key stakeholders aware of the innovative regional management approach, and build up their capacity in knowledge application and transfer. The forum aimed to step up the efforts to promote dialogue and experiences sharing on regional management at local, national and regional level. 

In his presentation, Dr. Suchat pointed out that rural development is no longer a national issue in a rapidly integrating world. Among the costs associated with regionalism are the potential widening of the divides between rich and poor, city and rural, as well as big and small economies. In order to overcome these challenges, competitive advantages should be harnessed and teamwork, cluster, and trans-border value chains need to be promoted. Dr. Suchat encouraged development professionals to think globally and act locally; MI would continue to support their learning in 2011 by organizing a series of Training-of-Trainers courses and structured learning visits, and developing training curriculum into local languages. 

Participants of the forum also visited GTZ’s Green Belt project in 3 target districts in Siem Reap province to share ideas and experiences on Regional Management.

Group Discussion during the National Forum

Field Visit of GTZ’s Green Belt Project in Cambodia

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