Written by Mekong Institute

This report evaluates the third learning course “Combating Human Trafficking for the Greater Mekong Sub-Region”. This course was organized by Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking (COMMIT) Secretariat United Nations Inter-Agency Project (UNIAP). Mekong Institute (MI) hosted this course from 22 to 30 May 2006.

Twenty-four government officials and five UNIAPDeputy National Project Coordinators from the six Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries attended the course. Participants hold a mixture of middle level to senior level positions from a wide variety of government ministries, agencies and state organizations concerned with anti-trafficking. Of all the participants, 38% are women.  

Combating Human Trafficking in the Greater mekong Sub-Region was an eight-day intensive learning program designed to equip participants with the knowledge, understanding and skills to influence and enhance policy and practice fro anti-human trafficking in the GMS. It emphasised prevention, prosecution, protection and policy through cooperative responses by all GMS countries. This not only exposed participants to emerging trends and complexities of human trafficking issues; it further fostered development of a network of GMS professionals committed to combating human trafficking.

Participants developed neccessary knowledge and skills through a wide range of course activities and learning methods. Course activities included presentations by facilitators, class discussions, group work, and course related social activities. These learning activities received very good ratings from participants. According to the MIquestionnaires participants felt they attained the new knowledge and skills offered, learning materials and content were excellent, and they made many new friendships and professional contacts.

Five programme resource presons assisted participants with knowledge and skill development and professional network formation. Participants confirmed that the resource persons are qualified, experienced facilitators who were able to explain difficult content in clear and understandable terms. According to the questionnaires, participants felt resource persons were excellent in helping them acquire module content.

This evaluation also reports on MI support services. In general, participants and resource persons found MI to be a clean, well-run facility with dedicated, friendly staff.

The report concludes, based on the above findings, that the learning programme was successful. Finally, the course participants, facilitators and MIsupport staff provided valuable recommendations on curriculum, learning activities and methods for future course offerings. These recommendations are summarised in Section 5 of this report.

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