ASEAN at 57: From Vision to Reality

August 6, 2024 | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University

Building on their mutual dedication to fostering international collaboration and supporting ASEAN’s overarching goals, the KKU Centre for ASEAN Study and MI are collaborating to celebrate the 57th ASEAN Day at Khon Kaen University. The theme for this year’s celebration, “From Vision to Reality: Remembering the Past, Shaping the Future,” will reflect on ASEAN’s original vision and celebrate the significant progress made over the past 57 years. This theme highlights how ASEAN’s founding goals have been achieved through collective efforts and sets the stage for new aspirations and opportunities for the future of the region.

As a nation instrumental in the founding of ASEAN,Thailand’s historic role is commemorated through this event. It also offers an opportunity to emphasize the country’s continued relevance in upholding the ASEAN framework and showcase how the KKU Centre for ASEAN Study and MI are strategically positioned to promote ASEAN’s principles and the motto of “One Vision, One Identity, One Community” across the KKU community, Northeastern Thailand, and the GMS. ASEAN Day at KKU will be a vibrant blend of cultural celebration and academic experience, offering an array of activities designed to engage and inspire participants. The event will feature a series of insightful presentations by experts on ASEAN’s past achievements and future aspirations, and networking activities that highlight the importance of international collaboration in building a sustainable ASEAN Economic Community. Attendees will have the chance to explore the region’s cultural heritage through ASEAN country kiosks by participating foreign students associations.

The ASEAN Day at KKU is a key initiative aimed at promoting the ASEAN way, framework, principles, and motto, contributing to the building of a regional community. The event specifically seeks to:

  • Commemorate the Founding of ASEAN: Celebrate the establishment of ASEAN on August 8, 1967, and honor the vision of the founding members who came together to create a framework for regional cooperation and unity.
  • Reflect on ASEAN’s Progress, Achievements, and Collective Aspirations: Look back on ASEAN’s journey from its inception to the present day, acknowledging the significant milestones, successes, and shared goals that have shaped the organization’s development.
  • Foster Regional Solidarity and Cultural Understanding: Create opportunities for attendees to engage in cultural exchange and deepen their appreciation of the diverse traditions and values of ASEAN member states.
  • Inspire New Aspirations for the Region: Encourage new ideas and partnerships that advance ASEAN’s principles and address future challenges, paving the way for continued regional growth and integration.

The event targets 200 participants, including students and professors in Northeast region, general audiences, and members of the diplomatic network. Also, it is expected to be attended by:

  • KKU Foreign Students Associations (i.e. Myanmar Students Association, Vietnamese Students Association, Indonesian Students Association, Lao Students Association, and Cambodian Students Association).

Please confirm your attendance by 31 July 2024 via this link: 

It will be held at KKU’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and will be livestreamed over the Faculty and MI’s Facebook Pages. The morning session will be held entirely in English, while the afternoon panel discussion will be in Thai.

Traditional attire or national costume is encouraged.

  • Expert-Led Presentations A series of talks and lectures on ASEAN then and now.
  • Networking Sessions Organized sessions for students, faculty, and guests to meet and discuss ASEAN-related topics in an informal meet-and-greet opportunity.
  • ASEAN Country Kiosks A side feature of the ASEAN Day will be booths set up by participating KKU foreign student associations representing different ASEAN countries. Each kiosk will feature cultural displays, traditional food tastings, and informational materials about the respective countries.
  • Cultural Performances Live performances including traditional dances and music as event intermission numbers, offering attendees an immersive experience of the region’s artistic traditions.
  • ASEAN-themed Photo Booth A photo booth decorated with ASEAN-themed props and backdrops where attendees can take pictures.

Concept Note and  Agenda English Version

Concept Note and  Agenda Thai Version

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