To assist MI staff to better understand how its training courses are received and utilized by our participants, MI recently launched the Alumni Writing Contest. 

The contest provided our alumni with an opportunity to share – in a written piece – their experiences at MI and the impact of their experience on their work and in their everyday lives. 

The team of judges comprising MI department heads and subject-matter experts have reviewed the submitted essays. They unanimously agree there are six entries of equal high quality, as assessed against the criteria defined in the contest rules and regulations. Thus, to ensure these contributions are all recognized, the judges have decided to reward each of these entries and will combine the prize-pool and divide it equally between the six selected entries. Each of these six contestants will receive THB 10,000! Congratulations! 

Below are the names and details of the six winners: 

Name: Ms. Zha Wenhong 
Country: China 
Courses Attended at MI: 
a) Leadership Skills for a Competitive Enterprise System in the GMS, 2004 
b) Business Research and Database Development for Chamber of Commerce and Industry along North South Economic Corridor, 2013 

Name: Mr. Zhang Xianghong 
Country: China 
Courses Attended at MI: 
a) Regional Workshop on Trade and Investment Opportunities Along NSEC, 2008 
b) Business Research and Database Development for Chamber of Commerce and Industry along North South Economic Corridor, 2013 

Name: Mr. Danladi Hassan Kobi 
Country: Nigeria 
Courses Attended at MI: Income Generation and Poverty Reduction for Development, 2010

Name: Ms. Reena 
Country: Myanmar 
Courses Attended at MI: Trade Event Promotion, 2011 

Name: Mr. Pheng Sambo 
Country: Camboia 
Courses Attended at MI: Development Project Managerment, 2012 

Name: Mr. Penh Socheat 
Country: Cambodia 
Courses Attended at MI: Integrated Water Resources Management, 2013 

MI would like to thank all contestants for entering the contest and for offering us a new perspective on how the impact of our courses are received. Winners (listed above) will be notified individually via email shortly. 

Congratulations to all the winners of Alumni Writing Contest!

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