Written by Mekong Institute

One of the recommendatons, made by the Mekong Insttute Stakeholder Consultative Meeging in July 2007, was to implement a series of regional training courses for middle to senior level officials from government agences, recruitment agences and private organization involved in the sending and receiving of migrants in this sub-region.  

By the end of that year, the Mekong Institute (MI, and independent Inter-Goernmental Organization (IGO) working in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), and the Mekong Migration Network (MMN), a sub0regional network of migrant support NGOs and reserch institutes, had agreed to co-organize a training course and a series of activities on labour migration management. These activities included that development of a training curriculum, organizing an Expert Meeting to present the draft training curriculum, conducting the Training of Trainiers( TOT) course and, subsequently, conducting the three-week training course.

The three-week course on labour migration management is expected to take place in November 2008. MI and MMN, together with consultants, developed a draft training curriculum. The Expert Meeting was organized to present the draft curriculum and gain feedback from migration experts and government officials to ensure the content and training method are appropriate and relevant.

The Expert Meeting was designed to allow participants to share information regarding in-country training or workshops and collaboration mechanisms, to identify gaps n the draft currculum and dentify alternative training methods, to suggest alternative training methos (if necessary), to suggest possible resource persons for the course, and to identfy the appropriate government agencies to invite to the course.

MI and MMN co-organized the Expert Meeting on Labour Migration Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region from May 13 to 15, 2008. With the financal support of The Rockefeller Foundation, 20 experts from the field of migration and middle to senior level offcials from relevant Ministries from the sx GMS countries attended the Meeting.  

The Meeting began with a presentation about MI and its work on migration, followed by a MI-MMN capacity building program background and objectives of the training course. The frst day’s sessions comprised an overview presentation of the training couse draft Modules and their topics, and discussions on the proposed methodology. Open discussion throughout the session allowed MI and MMN to learn rom the experts and the delegates, for te betterment of te curriculum.

The Meeting’s second day consisted of a presentation of each Module n detail and workshop discussions on the content and methodologes for each module. Group presentations on these dscussions followed, and included identifying potential reseouce persons and target partcipants. The third day was for MI and MMN staff to devise the action plan, discuss roles and respons

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